When celebrating a real world event, there are ways to do it and ways not to do it. Chalk this one as a way not to do it. June is the month of pride and to celebrate, injustice 2 mobile has started organizing an event in the game for the occasion. The problem is that apparently there was no one in the development team with the meaning of saying it was a bad idea. Instead of having players rewarded for playing or doing something positive as a LGBTQ + character as Ivy poison, they have made target and fight Poison Ivy, again and again.
As a general rule, when you talk about a group that has historically mistreated, abused, tortured, violated and treated as something less than human, you do not want to perpetuate violence against him. Can you imagine if a game organized an AAPI event on racism by doing a boss race with Asian characters? Or given additional points for being beaten black enemies during the month of black history? Of course, injustice 2 mobile is a fighting game and each character will be beaten at some point by the natural game, but intentionally target a character or define players on him for an identifier as sexual orientation is quite messed up.
- Injustice 2 Mobile (@ injustice2go) 4 June 2021
The game has had a ton of reaction since the upload of the event and the development team sent excuses on Twitter, but it is quite amazing that this idea comes from the head of someone, was presented At the development team, scheduled, tested and pushed into an update, without anyone raising a red flag. It is widely said that companies are changing their profile photos and their logos in rainbow variants each year between June 1 and July 1, just to flatter the community, without any conviction or honesty behind that. Stuff like that, that s what perpetuates that.
Are there other deaf-mute events in the game that strikes you? Let us know in the comments below.
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