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Win an issue of Alien on the first day of our Advent Calendar: Blackout for iOS and Android

It is the most beautiful time of the year! The time in which you can win our dear readers, some free games! Yes, our Advent calendar at the end of the year is back, which means that you have 24 chances to get free codes for some of the best mobile games of the last 12 months.

We start the things with style with the big budget horror adventure alien: blackout. It plays in the same universe as the console high alien: isolation (and all the films you may have heard) and they try to save a crew from the eyes of a terrible mesomorph.

You can view our game report by clicking here. If your eyes are already tired of reading these three heels, look at our video test, which is helpful below.

How to win a copy of the game? Well, it's easy. Everything you need to do is to enter your data in the form below, and we will choose a winner randomly. We have 5 iOS codes and 5 Android codes to be issued for this game. So fill out the correct form for the version of the game you want to win.

A raffle copter giveaway a raffle copter giveaway

Eating only MINI FOOD for 24 Hours | MyMissAnand The Wars for today, good luck and assure you that you come back tomorrow when we have another giveaway for the game.


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